Hapa revisited
I don’t usually embrace being proved wrong. But in this case, I’m encouraged by it. In a previous blog, I wrote about my Hapa experience...
How do we Relate?
I was reminded recently of a FB post I wrote in 2014. Of course it’s still true. Dear Friend, If you only tell me bad stuff about your...
Forgive, Forget ... Repeat?
I was caught up in my thoughts on an anniversary of sorts. I was lost in the past for a few minutes – involuntarily re-feeling something...
April Fool's, Easter and Me
For the first time in my life, Easter fell on April Fool’s day. It’s been 62 years since the last time. And because it happened during my...
When the Magic Fell Away
I worried about how my baby sister would take the news that Santa wasn’t real. I don’t know when I found out, but I was younger than she...
I Need to Scream
I was in line at the grocery store when I noticed the woman behind me suggesting to her young son that he go “check out the Easter stuff...

Naked and Outside
I have been distant. I have been sheltering myself and keeping the realities of my environment away from my quiet buffer zone. I have...
The Burden of Intention
I’ve figure something out. At least it rings true for my experiences and observations. Good intention appears to be a comfortable shield...
Back Door ... Front Door
My heart and sympathies go out to everyone who has had the flu this winter season. I was afflicted with this malady just before...
Who I Should Be
Why would people gain the whole world but lose their lives? What will people give in exchange for their lives? (Matthew 16:26 CEB) I...